A concept of it flying.

A concept of it flying.

First pass render.
AmbOcc render.

First pass render.
AmbOcc render.

A few colour schemes.

White was heavily liked

A few colour schemes.

White was heavily liked

A few colour schemes.

White was heavily liked

A few colour schemes.

White was heavily liked

Final Concept which was selected

Final Concept which was selected

Planet concept using Vue software.

Planet concept using Vue software.

Planet concept using Vue software.

Planet concept using Vue software.

This project was originally created in 2013. I was studying Visual Effects at TAFE SA at the time. I thought I would publish some of my concept i did for a project I was apart of.

Nexa is a company that creates a huge space shuttle (United Nexa Transport Star Ship Altas, UNTSS Altas for short) to take people from a earth to another.